ISO 22000 is a global standard for food safety management systems that apply to any organization in the food chain. It helps to identify and control food safety hazards and assure the safety of food products and consumers.
The standard uses the process approach, the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, and the risk-based thinking to help organizations plan, implement, monitor and improve their FSMS. It also follows the same high-level structure as other ISO management system standards, such as ISO 9001 (quality management), making it easier to integrate them.
ISO 22000 was first published in 2005 and revised in 2018. The latest edition introduces some new concepts and updates some of the existing ones, such as:
- The context of the organization: The organization has to determine internal and external issues that are relevant to its purpose and strategic direction, and that affect its ability to achieve the intended results of its FSMS.
- The needs and expectations of interested parties: The organization has to determine the interested parties that are relevant to its FSMS and their requirements.
- The scope of the FSMS: The organization has to define the boundaries and applicability of its FSMS, considering the context of the organization and the needs and expectations of interested parties.
- The leadership and commitment: Top management has to demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the FSMS by taking accountability for its effectiveness, ensuring alignment with the strategic direction, establishing policies and objectives, supporting relevant roles, communicating the importance of effective food safety management, promoting continual improvement, etc.
- The actions to address risks and opportunities: The organization has to plan actions to address both risks and opportunities that can affect its FSMS, such as food safety hazards, legal requirements, technological changes, market conditions, etc.
- The operational planning and control: The organization has to plan, implement and control the processes needed for meeting food safety requirements and implementing the actions determined in clause 6.1 (actions to address risks and opportunities). This includes establishing operational criteria (such as critical limits), implementing prerequisite programmes (PRPs), conducting hazard analysis (HACCP), maintaining traceability systems, controlling emergencies, etc.
- The performance evaluation: The organization has to monitor, measure, analyse and evaluate its FSMS performance and effectiveness. This includes conducting internal audits, management reviews, analysis of data and information from monitoring activities, customer feedback, external providers’ performance, etc.
- The improvement: The organization has to improve its FSMS by taking actions to correct nonconformities, prevent recurrence, address complaints, reduce undesired effects, enhance customer satisfaction, etc.
Benefits of implementing ISO 22000 in to your organization
ISO 22000 can benefit organizations of any size or type in the food chain by providing a framework for delivering safe food products and services consistently. Some of the benefits include:
- Increased confidence in food safety from customers and other stakeholders
- Enhanced transparency and accountability in food supply chains
- Improved communication and collaboration among food chain partners
- Reduced costs from food waste, recalls or lawsuits
- Improved compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
- Increased market access and competitiveness
- Facilitated integration with other ISO management system standards
- Minimizes the experience of low-quality and health-risk foods
- Increases food safety in the entire food Safety industry
- Increases trust by the public, industry, and the public sector Compliance with legal and Codex HACCP principle.
- Fewer errors and customer complaints.
- Continual improvement in products & processes.
- Sustainable food safety performance.
- Improves consumer/supplier/regulator confidence and relationships.
- A platform for process and management control and improvement.
- Competitive advantage in the marketplace.
- Promotes international trade.

How to implement AND GET ISO 22000 CERTIFICATION ?
According to ISO, the standard “specifies requirements for a food safety management system (FSMS) to enable an organization that is directly or indirectly involved in the food chain:
- a) to plan, implement, operate, maintain and update a FSMS providing products and services that are safe, in accordance with their intended use;
- b) to demonstrate compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements;
- c) to evaluate and assess mutually agreed customer food safety requirements and to demonstrate conformity with them;
- d) to effectively communicate food safety issues to interested parties within the food chain;
- e) to ensure that the organization conforms to its stated food safety policy;
- f) to demonstrate such conformity to relevant interested parties;
- g) to seek certification or registration of its FSMS by an external organization, or make a self-assessment or self-declaration of conformity to this document.”
If you are interested in implementing ISO 22000 in your organization, you can contact us for more information. We are a certified ISO 22000 consultant that can help you design, develop, implement, audit, and improve your EMS. We have the expertise, experience, and tools to help you achieve your environmental goals.